In Patong Beach, there are many massage parlors as numerous as the stars. When you are walking around a street, you can hear “Thai massage!” here and there. Choosing at random is truly a gamble. In Phuket, there is a big difference between a good massage and a bad one. Some are formally trained in massage, while others are just amateurs. If you’ve gone to the trouble of getting a soothing massage and you get hit by the devil hand instead of the god hand, your trip will be ruined.
Introducing Montra Spa, the recommended Thai massage place in Junk Ceylon.
Location of the montra spa
Montra Spa is located in Junk Ceylon in Patong Beach. It has several shops in the basement and on the third floor.
The third floor is like a beauty area, and there are massage and facial beauty shops. However, the third floor is a bit confusing and there aren’t many people there at any given time. I personally recommend the third floor because it’s less crowded and more relaxed.
The basement floor is the largest shop next to the food court and has the largest number of customers. At the busiest time of day in the evening, you may not be able to get in and will be directed to another store. If you look for the sign that says Montra, you’ll find it easily.

As for massages, the basic Thai massage is 300 baht per hour and the oil massage is 450 baht, which is reasonable even though it is in Junk Ceylon. There are some aromatherapy oil massages, but the base is Thai massage. A person who can only do Thai massage will give you a massage with oil. Just because you choose an expensive menu doesn’t mean the content will be better. If you don’t like pain, you can opt for an oil massage.

After selecting the type and time of the massage at the reception desk, you will be shown into the shop. Shoes are taken off before entering the shop. Afterwards, you will have your feet washed in the washroom and the massage will begin. In the case of Thai massage, you will be guided to a private room separated by a curtain.
The quality of the massage, I think it’s one of the higher levels compared to massage shops in the same price range. Some masseuses have god hands and they can heal your body in a pleasant way. However, there is a certain probability that the Devil Hand is here as well. Strong arms and fingers are used to squeeze the non-point muscles and calves. The acrobatic stretching that comes with every Thai massage can stretch your body forcibly and cause pain. If it hurts, tell them right away that it hurts. It’s good for both of you.
It’s hit or miss, but I personally go to Montra a lot because I get an above average massage. If you want to make sure you get a satisfying massage, it’s better to use a hotel spa.
Montra had an upscale shop on the third floor of Junk Ceylon a few years ago. It was more expensive than the basement shops, but I could get a massage without worrying about it because they had gathered skilled masseurs. It was a recommended parlor, but the third floor went back to the regular shop, probably because of the lack of customers.
That said, I think Montra Spa is a highly skilled massage place at this price point and I would recommend it. The shop is clean and in an uncomplaining location within Junk Ceylon. The price is reasonable, so please feel free to try the massage.